
Unfortunately, Haldol is not a magic bullet that only affects dopamine levels in those locations; it lowers dopamine throughout the body. It does allow some patients to regain control of their thoughts and actions, who otherwise cannot distinguish external reality from what they see & hear internally. -- Sue from El Paso

Well put. Agreed on both counts. I have no problem with the idea that Haldol (and other psychopharmaceuticals) has effects that some psychitrically diagnosed people find desirable some of the time.

Involuntary medication, advocated for everyone who has been so diagnosed, advocated by well-intentioned busybodies who assume the wonderful drugs will fix us up just dandy and who believe that the fact of our having received such a diagnosis means if we say we don't want it, it just goes to prove how demented we are...with *THAT* I have a problem!!


Original SDMB thread - Schizophrenia


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