
You seem to have some anger directed against psychiatry in general.

Indeed. And I've noticed that the NYC Fire Department has seems to have some anger directed against Osama Bin Laden, too.


Meds and induced seizures do NOT cause brain damage.

Yes they do. Permanent and irreversible brain damage result from ongoing use of neuroleptic drugs in the phenothiazine, MAO Uptake inhibitor, butyrophenone, and several other major pharmaceutical categories. Tardive dyskenesia is the most commonly known (and the most visible), but iatrogenic dementias are also common.

Electroconvulsive therapy (i.e. electroshock) also not only causes brain damage but more or less depends on it.


Original SDMB thread - Shock treatment


See my next post on this same thread

See my previous post on this same thread


The SDMB Posts