Mary Daly, Beyond God the Father (Beacon Press) 1973,
pgs 318, 341-342:
In order to comprehend how alienating and how potted the desire to 'belong'
can be, it helps to recall some meanings of belong. These
include: 'to be suitable, appropriate, or advantageous'; 'to be in a proper,
rightful, or fitting place, situation, or connection';...Belong also means
'to become attached or bound (as to a person, group, or organization).'...
...There is an odor of paternalism about the definition of the word pattern,
[too,] which means 'a fully realized form, original, or model accepted
or proposed for imitation': ...Metamorphosing women do not imitate/copy
some 'fully realized' paternal form or model. Rather, we are Realizing/Forming/Originating.